Home » All Salmon River students now eligible for free breakfast and lunch

All Salmon River students now eligible for free breakfast and lunch

Starting immediately, all enrolled students at Salmon River Central School District are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school for free.

This change was made possible by the Community Eligibility Provision through the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The provision is a non-pricing meal service option for school districts that are located in low-income areas to help improve food security. The USDA will reimburse Salmon River for the cost of these meals.

“We are thrilled to have received approval for this federal program,” said Superintendent Dr. Stanley Harper. “Families and their children no longer have to worry about paying for their meals this school year. They can turn their attention to what’s most important at school—their studies.”

District families do not need to pay a fee to be eligible—this change is automatic. À la carte items and extra meals will remain available for students, but they will need to be purchased separately.

To ensure the district’s ability to continue this program in the future, all Salmon River families will be asked to complete and submit a Household Income Application. This will be sent home in the mail soon. The form will also help determine whether your child(ren) may be eligible for other programs.

“This wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work and determination of School Food Service Manager Nicole Foster,” said Dr. Harper. “We are proud to now offer free school meals to our students.”
