Home » District Services » Food Services » Policy 5660: Meal Charging & Prohibition Against Meal Shaming

Policy 5660: Meal Charging & Prohibition Against Meal Shaming

2024-25 School Year

Salmon River Central School District is part of the Community Eligibility Provision and are approved to give all students free nutritious meals each school day. It is the District’s goal that every student has equal access for free nutritious meals.

 The provisions of this policy pertain to regular priced reimbursable school breakfast, lunch and snack meals only. Charging of items outside of the reimbursable meals (a la carte items, adult meals, etc.) is expressly prohibited. 

Access to Meals 

  • Free meal benefits students and will be allowed to receive a free breakfast and lunch meal of their choice each day. A la carte items or other similar items must be paid/prepaid.

Ongoing Staff Training 

  • Staff will be trained annually and throughout the year as needed on the procedures for managing meal charges using the State Education Department (SED) Webinar or the District’s training program. 
  • Staff training will include ongoing eligibility certification for free meals.

Parent Outreach

  • If parents/guardians have any questions regarding the FREE breakfast and lunch they may contact Nicole Foster, Salmon River School Food Service Manager.

Minimizing Student Distress

  • Staff will not publicly identify or stigmatize any student in line for a meal or discuss certification status (Ex. Direct Certification).

Ongoing Eligibility Certification

  • Staff will conduct direct certification through the New York Student Identification System (NYSSIS) or using SED Roster Upload at least monthly to maximize free eligibility.

Prepaid Accounts

Students/Parents/Guardians may add money to student accounts in advance via www.linqconnect.com or with a check payable to Salmon River Central School Cafeteria. Further details are available on the District’s website at www.srk12.org. With the possibility that a student may want to purchase an extra meal or ala carte snacks and drinks.  Any remaining funds for a particular student will be carried over to the next school year. 

To obtain a refund for a withdrawn or graduating student, a written or emailed request for a refund of any money remaining in the student’s account must be submitted. Students who are graduating at the end of the year will be given the option to transfer any remaining money to a sibling’s account through a written request. Unclaimed funds must be requested within one school year. 

Unclaimed funds will then become the property of the District Food Service Program.

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