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Title VII Parent Committee


A unique feature of the Title VII program is the interaction of a parent committee to help guide the program’s activities in order to better address student needs. The program works collaboratively with administration and other state and federal programs to strive for excellence for our students. The parent committee also works in partnership with the school district in order to ensure that the program is meeting its goals and objectives.

Committee Members:

  • Parents, grandparents, or caregivers of Indian students attending Salmon River
  • Teacher: including guidance counselors, except members of the project
  • Indian secondary school student

Executive Committee

  • Chairperson
  • Vice Chair
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer

Objectives and Purpose shall be:

  1. Planning for and taking steps leading to the development of programs specifically designed to meet the special needs of Indian children
  2. The Parent Committee will be involved in implementation of the program under Title VII including determining needs assessment. Priority determination for meeting such needs, and evaluation of the program relative to Indian Education achievements
  3. To assist Salmon River in recruitment of personnel