Aesop Sub Service

Effective January 1, 2016, Salmon River Central School District will be moving to a new computerized substitute calling program, ASEOP. All staff will be expected to use this system for attendance reporting even if a substitute is not required.

AESOP will greatly simplify and streamline the process of recording and managing absences and finding substitutes. This service will replace our current sub-caller process with an internet and/or phone-in process for reporting and managing absences.

After notifying your supervisor in the event of a sick day or emergency personal day, you will need to record the absence in Aesop. You can do so by phone or online. You will need your ID and PIN.

If you call in, be sure to stay on the line until you are given a confirmation number. The request process is not complete until this is given.

Prior to use during absences, you may want to log into your account to set up your preferences. Among other things, you can set up your list of preferred subs to be called on your behalf. The first time you call the service, you will record your name and assignment. This recording will be played to all substitutes who are offered jobs for you from that point on.

Technical Support/Usernames & PINs:
Angela Mackey- – 518-483-6420


AESOP training was held on December 07, 2015. View the training below.